onsdag 28 september 2011

Logo favoriter från de vinnande bidragen i Wolda 10

Att få ta fram en logotyp och profilprogram för företag är inspirerande och kreativt. Att få skapa en symbol utifrån varumärkets kärna är både utmanande och roligt. Nedan visar jag några av mina favoriter som vunnit pris i designtävlingen Wolda 2010.

Här kommer först några riktlinjer för hur en framgångsrik logotyp bör vara och som jag tänker på vid skapandet:

  • Enkel och grafisk tydlig
  • Särpräglad
  • Användbar i alla sammanhang oavsett material och underlag
  • Tydlig både i stor och liten storlek
  • Oförglömlig!

Här följer några favoriter från Amerika:

Logo name: Cancer Therapies Foundation
Nation: Canada
Designer(s): Genong (Sunny) Zheng
Client: Cancer Therapies Foundation
Description: Cancer Therapies Foundation is a non-profit organization, its mission is to raise funds for awareness, research and clinical trials of new therapies to cure cancers. The logo is a stylized star, made out of 5 colorful ribbons, it is also an abstract form of people holding hands in a circle. Ribbons are commonly used for cancer awareness, with the pink ribbon for breast cancer being a globally recognized symbol. Every cancer survivor is a hero, hence the star. The colorful star also symbolizes hope for cure, and good wish of the patients' loved ones. People holding hands signifies support from family and society.

Logo name: YogaStudio
Nation: Ecuador
Agency: Latinbrand
Designer(s): Silvio Giorgi, Sandro Giorgi
Client: YogaStudio
Description: Yoga studio is a place with the proposal of stimulate the yoga practice. A logotype with 5 positions of energetic bodies an a color management that express dynamism, harmony, fresh and innovative.
Logo name: Ventura Cafe
Nation: United States
Agency: Flight Deck Creative
Designer(s): Jason Rahn
Client: Ventura Cafe
Description: Ventura Cafe is a coffee house that specializes in gourmet coffee. The serifs on this letter V are stylized to form a rich, bold and familiar cup of coffee.

Här följer ett par favoriter från Asien:

Logo name: Guangzhou Museum
Nation: China
Agency: Lin Shaobin Design
Designer(s): Shaobin Lin
Client: Guangzhou Museum
Description: Graphics is appearance of the Guangzhou Museum architecture structure as the creations of main body, with geometric graphics for generalize. Have make one see the logo and related tourism cultural products, that know is Guangzhou Museum. And combine with dark brown, showing the museum history and culture.

Wolda Professional awards Best of India
Logo name: Oaktree International School Visual Identity
Nation: India
Agency: Eureka Moment Design Company
Designer(s): Shanoo Bhatia, Priyanka Sachdev, Pallavi Manjrekar, Sitanshu Shukla, Shahana Chatterjee
Client: Oaktree International School
Description: The Oaktree International School’s education philosophy is driven by its central belief - experience cannot be compartmentalized if a child is to grow both academically and personally whilst becoming more socially, ethically and environmentally aware. The logo encapsulates the vision and the mission of the school. The figures seek to capture the way students will discover and experience the essential unity of human knowledge.  Beginning with the yellow figure and working in an anti-clockwise direction are the following: The Athlete, The Scientist, The Scholar, The Mathematician, The Bibliophile, The Teacher, The Musician, The Environmentalist.

Nedan ser ni några favoriter från Europa:

Wolda Professional awards Best of Belarus
Logo name: Rukodelnitsa
Nation: Belarus
Agency: 01D.ru
Designer(s): Alexander Lanevski, Dmitry Ulasen
Client: Rukodelnitsa
Description: Sewing and knitting supplies store

Wolda Professional awards Best of Europe, Best of Germany
Logo name: Kaiser Organic Bakery
Nation: Germany
Designer(s): Peter Kohl @ Flaechenbrand Design, Germany
Client: Kaiser Organic Bakery
Description: Once being just a small organic bakery in Wiesbaden/ Germany, Kaiser has meanwhile turned into a successful company with multiple stores throughout the whole Rhein-Main area. Thus, a new strong brand was needed, which had to cover two main aspects: It had to remain credibly organic, while representing a big company at the same time.
Wolda Professional awards Best of Romania
Logo name: Kids Club
Nation: Romania
Agency: One up
Designer(s): Mihai G Ragea
Client: Cohotels
Description: Logo for seaside hotel kids club.
Logo name: The Big Giraffe Studio
Nation: United Kingdom
Agency: Holly Stevens Design
Designer(s): Holly Stevens
Client: The Big Giraffe Studio
Description: Logo created for The Big Giraffe Studio, a professional photography studio promoting its African-inspired work online. The challenge was to design the studio mascot, the giraffe, with quirk and spark; to capture the scale, height and awkward grace of a giraffe but remain linked to photography . The end result combines the naturally leggy animal with a tripod for an unusual and playful logo that works well both alone and with typography.

Sist men inte minst vill jag visa min favorit från de svenska vinnande bidragen:

Logo name: Save the Arctic Fox
Nation: Sweden
Agency: Redmanwalking
Designer(s): Fredrik Lewander
Client: Jerry Engström – Fjällräven, Röjning
Description: This logo is made for the outdoor company Fjällräven (Arctic Fox in english) and their special, Save the Arctic Fox collection, who supports SEFALO+ (Saving the Endangered Fennoscandian Alopex). The characteristic white fur protects her from the arctic cold (-50°C is no problem) and predators. The logo are mainly attached on white garments and backpacks, otherwise on a white lable.

Vill ni se alla vinnarna och läsa mer om Wolda kan ni gå in på följande länk: www.wolda.org/showcase/professional/2010

Härlig inspiration!

Eva-Lotta Cederström

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